Understanding Covert Narcissism

Understanding Covert Narcissism: Signs, Causes, and How to Respond

Narcissism, a term often thrown around casually, encompasses a spectrum of behaviors and traits, not all of which are immediately obvious. While some individuals display the classic traits of grandiosity and a need for admiration associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), others exhibit what is known as covert narcissism, or vulnerable narcissism.

Signs of Covert Narcissism

Covert narcissists may not fit the stereotype of being overtly self-centered or boastful. Instead, they often exhibit traits such as:

1. High Sensitivity to Criticism

Covert narcissists are extremely sensitive to criticism because it threatens their fragile self-esteem. Unlike those without narcissistic traits who may take criticism constructively, covert narcissists react defensively. They might appear dismissive or sarcastic outwardly but internally feel humiliated or enraged. This sensitivity stems from their deep-seated insecurity and fear that criticism confirms their negative self-view.

2. Passive Aggression

Instead of confronting issues directly, covert narcissists often resort to passive-aggressive behavior to assert control or express frustration. This can manifest in subtle ways such as giving the silent treatment, making backhanded compliments, or sabotaging others' efforts behind the scenes. These behaviors serve to maintain their perceived superiority while avoiding direct confrontation that could expose their vulnerabilities.

3. A Tendency to Put Themselves Down

Despite craving admiration, covert narcissists may downplay their achievements or talents. This behavior serves a dual purpose: it elicits reassurance and compliments from others while preemptively protecting themselves from potential criticism. By presenting themselves as modest or self-effacing, they seek validation and affirmation of their worth from others, often fishing for compliments in response.

4. Shy or Withdrawn Nature

Unlike overt narcissists who may seek constant attention and admiration, covert narcissists tend to be more introverted and withdrawn. They avoid social interactions that they perceive as risky, where their flaws or vulnerabilities might be exposed. This withdrawal helps maintain their facade of superiority and protects them from potential rejection or criticism that could threaten their fragile self-esteem.

5. Grandiose Fantasies

Covert narcissists harbor elaborate fantasies of success, recognition, or admiration. These fantasies serve as a coping mechanism to escape their perceived inadequacies and disappointments in reality. They may daydream about receiving praise, achieving greatness, or being admired for their talents and virtues. These fantasies provide them with a temporary escape from their underlying feelings of insecurity and unworthiness.

6. Feelings of Depression and Anxiety

Covert narcissism is often accompanied by co-occurring depression and anxiety. The discrepancy between their idealized self-image and the reality of their achievements can lead to frustration and resentment. They may struggle with anxiety over fear of failure or exposure, while depression can result from unmet expectations and a chronic sense of inadequacy. These feelings contribute to a cycle of dissatisfaction and emotional distress.

7. A Tendency to Hold Grudges

Covert narcissists often harbor long-standing grudges against those they perceive as having wronged or slighted them. Rather than addressing grievances directly, they may bide their time, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate indirectly. This can manifest as subtle acts of sabotage, spreading rumors, or undermining others' efforts to discredit or diminish those they envy or feel threatened by.

8. Envy

Despite their own feelings of superiority, covert narcissists can harbor intense envy towards others who possess qualities or achievements they covet. They may resent individuals who receive praise or recognition that they believe they deserve instead. This envy is rooted in their deep-seated insecurity and fear of being overshadowed or deemed inadequate compared to others, leading to feelings of bitterness and resentment.

9. Feelings of Inadequacy

Covert narcissists set unrealistically high standards for themselves, which they often struggle to meet. When they fall short of these idealized expectations, they experience intense feelings of inadequacy, shame, and anger. These feelings are exacerbated by their belief that others perceive them through similarly critical lenses, leading to a persistent fear of failure and a sense of powerlessness over their own perceived shortcomings.

10. Self-Serving 'Empathy'

While covert narcissists may appear empathetic on the surface, their acts of kindness or compassion are often self-serving. They may engage in altruistic behaviors to garner admiration or validation from others rather than out of genuine concern for others' well-being. If their efforts are not acknowledged or reciprocated with praise, they may become resentful or bitter, feeling unappreciated and undervalued despite their outward displays of empathy.

Understanding these signs can provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of covert narcissism. If you recognize these behaviors in yourself or someone close to you, seeking support from a qualified mental health professional can help navigate these challenging relationships and promote healthier interactions based on mutual understanding and respect.

Causes of Covert Narcissism

The origins of covert narcissism are complex and may involve genetic predispositions and early life experiences, including relationships with caregivers. Research suggests that authoritarian parenting styles and childhood trauma may contribute to its development.

How to Respond to Covert Narcissism

Dealing with a covert narcissist can be challenging, whether they are a friend, family member, colleague, or partner. Here are some strategies:

  • Learn more: Educate yourself about the signs of covert narcissism to better understand and manage interactions.

  • Set healthy boundaries: Clearly define and enforce boundaries to protect your well-being.

  • Avoid taking things personally: Recognize that their behavior stems from their own insecurities and is not a reflection of your worth.

  • Build a support system: Seek support from trusted friends and family members who can offer perspective and emotional support.


Navigating relationships with individuals displaying covert narcissistic traits requires awareness and self-care. While understanding their behavior can help mitigate its impact, seeking support from a therapist trained in personality disorders can provide additional strategies for coping.

If you recognize these traits in someone close to you or suspect you may be dealing with covert narcissism yourself, consider reaching out to a mental health professional for guidance.

If you or someone you know is struggling with relationships affected by covert narcissism, consider seeking support. Therapy can provide valuable insights and strategies for managing these dynamics effectively. Take the first step towards healthier relationships by exploring therapy options today.

Remember, understanding and compassion are crucial when dealing with complex personality traits. By prioritizing your mental well-being, you can foster healthier connections and navigate challenging relationships with greater resilience.
